Dave Tamayo
Board Director
Dave Tamayo, elected to the SMUD Board in 2014, represents Ward 6, encompassing Meadowview, Oak Park, Parkway, Airport, and Valley Hi neighborhoods. A long-time resident of Fruitridge Manor in south Sacramento, Dave has been active in community development, advocating for public parks, affordable housing, and urban infill. He has co-founded a neighborhood association, established science programs and gardens in local schools, and supported initiatives to improve his community. His service on public boards includes the Sacramento Parks and Recreation Commission and the South Sacramento Planning Advisory Committee, alongside leadership roles with nonprofits like the Sacramento Mutual Housing Association.
With a 30-year career as an environmental scientist for Sacramento County, Dave is recognized for shaping public policies that protect natural resources. He authored the county’s stormwater pollution ordinance, co-founded the River Friendly Landscaping Program, and contributed to integrated pest management initiatives at local, state, and national levels. Additionally, Dave has advised institutions like the US EPA and the University of California Integrated Pest Management Program. A UC Berkeley zoology graduate with a master’s in entomology and nematology from the University of Florida, Dave also has a diverse background as a business owner, electrician, and rafting guide. In his leisure time, he enjoys gardening, beekeeping, cycling, and learning Spanish.