Heidi Kasper

Director of Green Building and Electric Vehicles/Emerging Technologies
Austin Energy

Heidi Kasper has over 20 years’ experience in building design and sustainability. She joined Austin Energy in 2010 and currently serves as Austin Energy’s Director of Green Building and Electric Vehicles/Emerging Technologies. Her work across these teams focuses on the development of a grid-friendly low carbon built environment at the intersection of buildings, electric mobility and distributed energy resource integration. Austin Energy Green Building (AEGB), is the award winning program credited with developing the first green building rating in the country. The program contributes to Austin Energy’s energy efficiency and demand reduction goals as well as promoting and supporting other City of Austin sustainability goals, through education, ratings and codes. Her leadership includes the development of several Austin Energy Green Building rating iterations, and local energy code adoptions. She has presented on a variety of sustainability topics at local and national conferences.

Before working at Austin Energy Heidi worked as a project architect and LEED coordinator on a variety of LEED-certified projects. She is a registered architect in Texas, holds a Master of Architecture from The University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee and is a LEED Accredited Professional in Building Design and Construction.